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How Do I Meet People?
Community Chapel  is not a place for spectators. It is a place for team members. Whether you are a five-year old or ninety-five year old, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community. Here is how you can learn, serve, and grow.

Sunday School

Each Sunday morning, children get to participate in their own classes. Bible lessons are taught in such a way that every child gets to participate and learn. Each of the class teachers is carefully screened and thoroughly trained in children’s instruction. The children’s ministry of  Community Chapel is recognized for their close interaction in this department.

Youth Ministry

Life can get complicated once you cross that uncertain threshold into adulthood. There are complicated decisions, bigger stakes, serious relationships, and a whole lot more decisions. The Youth Group of Community Chapel  gathers together to discuss the various issues they are dealing with and they have a time of worship, the Word and fellowship.   There is always  a welcoming atmosphere for all who attend.

Women’s Group

Community Chapel Women’s Group gives the ladies in our church family special times of interaction. We have several fellowships throughout the year with guest speakers and special music that inspires, challenges and helps the women to become more like the Lord.  Once a year we have a weekend women’s retreat conference where the women get together and fellowship around the word, worship, and each other.  The women return home renewed, refreshed and revived.

Men’s  Group

Community Chapel Men’s Group gives the men of our church family special times of interaction. They have times when they gather at a local restaurant where they receive a spiritual challenge with food and fellowship.  Once a year they have a weekend men’s retreat conference with a guest speaker who challenges them to be the man of God that they should be.  This is a place where they are encouraged to develop new relationships with the body of Christ.

Catechism Class

This course is open to all faiths.  You will discover a fresh relationship with God, and learn the Bible by a systematic question and answer method.  This class is a 9 month course that will take you through the entire Bible and you will experience: the sacraments, wonderful praise and worship, fellowships, and meet new friends. In this class you will develop a greater spiritual understanding and it will strengthen you for your Christian life and service.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Plan now to attend the Wednesday morning Bible study group.  This group has studied the Old Testament, New Testament, Born into God’s Family, Motivational Gifts, Walking with God, The Gift of the Holy Spirit and now we are studying The Treasures of the Kingdom. Not only will you be fed spiritually, but there is also a wonderful time of fellowship with potluck on the first week of each month. 

Evangelism and Outreach

We have a group of people who meet on the first Monday of the month at 7:00pm. to go witnessing. They have such a wonderful time of fellowship as they go to various places to share Christ with all they meet.  This also gives you the opportunity to get to know the body of Christ as you go into the harvest fields and win souls for the Lord.