A Blessed Memorial

A Blessed Memorial

What this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.  Matthew 26:13

Certain names from the past can bring out a variety of responses. The mention of Hitler, for example, brings feelings of contempt. On the other hand, a great historical figure like Churchill brings a positive response. Even within the circle of our own acquaintances, we remember some individuals with thankfulness, while we think negatively of others whose lives were spent in selfish pursuits.

On Memorial Day in the US, we pause to honor those of past generations. While many stirring recollections flood our minds, we realize that the time will come when each of us will also be a memory. What will others recall of our words and deeds when they think of us?  We need to determine by the grace of God to live our lives for Him.

I read this article on 5 Tips to Live a Christian Life. The 5 tips were to Read and contemplate the Bible – Pray and talk with God – Attend church. Join with a family of fellow believers – Give your time to serve others – Put your future in God’s hands. If we do these things maybe our testimony will become a blessing and inspiration to others to follow in our foot steps.

What have you written on memory’s page?

Deeds that were done in the Master’s name?

Words that were spoken to spread His fame?

What have you written today?